Archive for the ‘Twelve Days of Christmas Messianic Prophecies – Day 9’ Category


Greetings and Merry Christmas Family and Friends,


Messiah – The Word and the Message


“He sent His WORD…and healed them…”

Psalm 107:20

“The Lord gave the WORD: 

Great was the company of those that published it.”

Psalm 68:11




“And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us”… “and He healed them all…”

John 1:14, Matthew 12;15

“And there was one Anna, a prophetess…And she coming in that instant gave thanks likewise unto the Lord,

and spake of Him to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem.”

Luke 2:36, 38


“The Lord gave the WORD”, which was the embodiment of every prophetic word spoken of Messiah! And “the WORD was made FLESH” in the womb of the virgin “and dwelt among us” in order  to heal and save us. When Anna, a widow and a prophetess of a ripe old age encountered the WORD in the Temple in His infant body, she “spake of Him to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem” and fulfilled, as did the shepherds before her, and multitudes since, the scripture found in Psalm 68:

“The Lord gave the Word:

Great was the company of those that published it!”

Psalm 68:11




The Lord gave the word; great was the company of the preachers.

Thank you for stopping by.