Archive for the ‘I Got It Out Of Stress Mode’ Category











 My husband bought 2 Hibiscus plants.

 One is red, the other orange.

 They both have beautiful blooms.

The red hibiscus started displaying a profusion of yellow leaves.

 The orange one had occasional yellow leaves,

so he began researching for the cause.

 One source says stress will cause yellow leaves,

and many times strong wind will cause it too much stress.

Both plants were on a balcony where the wind can be quite strong

so he moved the red hibiscus

to the front porch where the wind is milder.

 It’s been there for some weeks now.

Today I said to him, “Look at your plant!”

I  sounded somewhat dire.

 I knew it would please him immensely

when he saw it with so many blooms.

 It was thriving!

 He said, “I took it out of stress mode.

I thought, isn’t it so with The Lord?

 If I want the Lord’s peace I have to get out of stress mode,

be at rest in Him and let the peace of God rule my heart.




John 16;33

 These things I have spoken unto you,

that in me ye might have peace.

In the world ye shall have tribulation:

but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.








